Created by Asmit Nepali on 5/30/2024 in #❓┊help
TimePicker field not allow to set 24 hrs format.
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Created by Asmit Nepali on 5/30/2024 in #❓┊help
TimePicker field not allow to set 24 hrs format.
Yes I read it. I am not using native(false) in my code, so according to the answer I should be getting the 12 hr format right? But still I am getting the 24 hrs format itself.
10 replies
Created by Asmit Nepali on 5/30/2024 in #❓┊help
TimePicker field not allow to set 24 hrs format.
How did you get the 12 hrs. format by default? I am getting 24 hrs. format and am trying to set 12 hrs. format but it does not seem to work. I am using the below code... Any help would be much appreciated. TimePicker::make('endTime') ->label('End Time') ->withoutSeconds() ->required() ->format('h:i A')
10 replies
Created by Tazeen on 6/26/2024 in #❓┊help
Unable to Fetch Products Based on Selected Seller in Filament Form in Repeater
Select::make('seller_id') ->options(fn() => User::where('role_id', 3)->pluck('first_name', 'id')) ->required() ->label('Seller') ->searchable() ->preload() ->native(false) ->afterStateUpdated(function ($state, Set $set) { $set('selected_seller_id', $state); }), Hidden::make('selected_seller_id'), Repeater::make('products') ->schema([ Select::make('product_id') ->options(function (Get $get) { $sellerId = $get('selected_seller_id'); if ($sellerId) { $productIds = ProductUser::where('user_id', $sellerId)->pluck('product_id'); return Product::whereIn('id', $productIds)->pluck('name', 'id'); } return []; }) ->label('Product') ->preload() ->disableOptionsWhenSelectedInSiblingRepeaterItems() ->searchable(true) ->reactive() ->afterStateUpdated(function ($state, $set, $get) { $productId = $state; if ($productId) { $productUser = ProductUser::where('user_id', $get('selected_seller_id')) ->where('product_id', $productId) ->first(); if ($productUser) { $set('quantity_helper', "Minimum quantity is {$productUser->minimum_quantity}"); } else { $set('quantity_helper', "Select a valid product"); } } }), ]); This is the code that I am using
4 replies
Created by Tazeen on 6/6/2024 in #❓┊help
Edit profile page redirection to the Breeze login page to be prevented
I have uninstalled breeze from composer. So now it is redirecting to an error page rather than breeze login. I am not able to find the route where this breeze login is registered
5 replies
Created by Tazeen on 5/7/2024 in #❓┊help
Custom Bulk Import
When I wasn't mentioning latest(), the recently created data wasn't displayed on the top, so used that. Thanks though!
8 replies
Created by Tazeen on 5/7/2024 in #❓┊help
Custom Bulk Import
Hi, I was using ->latest() before So I added latest()->orderBy('id', 'desc') and it is working fine now.
8 replies