Filament shield - Permission management
Hi everyone! I need help with Filament Shield's permission management.
I'm trying to implement role-specific resource exclusions in the permission list. Specifically, when a Manager role is creating/editing other roles, I want to hide certain resources from the permissions list that they shouldn't be able to assign.
The base exclusions from filament-shield.php work fine, but I am not able to give role-specific exclusions.
Has anyone successfully implemented role-based permission list filtering in Filament Shield? Any guidance would be appreciated!
2 replies
Spatie Media Library for Filament
Hi, I am using Spatie Media Library to upload images in my Resource file, which is working fine and storing the images in the media table. However, I am facing a challenge storing the images when I am using Spatie media upload in Relation Managers. This Relation manager is having a BelongsToMany relationship with the parent Resource, and I have a pivot model for the relation manager as well where I have explicitly mentioned all the Spatie media implementations.
I am trying to dd the fetched data from the form where I am not getting the image data, whereas if I use a normal Filament file upload and upload an image, then dd the data, I am getting the image info there, so there's some issue with how the Spatie File Upload is working here
Hence, I wanted help storing the images in the media table when I upload them using this relation manager.
2 replies
Unable to Fetch Products Based on Selected Seller in Filament Form in Repeater
I'm trying to create a request form in a Filament resource where the user selects a seller and then selects products that belong to that seller. Despite using state management with hidden fields and afterStateUpdated callbacks to update and propagate the selected_seller_id, I'm unable to dynamically fetch and display the products associated with the selected seller in the Repeater field. Any help or alternative solutions would be greatly appreciated!
4 replies
Edit profile page redirection to the Breeze login page to be prevented
I have created a custom Edit Profile page that extends to the Base Edit Profile Page.
I previously generated this Admin Panel using Vemto; at that time, I had selected Breeze as the Starter kit. But now I have removed all the Breeze dependencies from the composer and I want the user to redirect to the Filament login page after they edit their profile details. However, the user is redirected to the Breeze login page. How to prevent this??
5 replies
Time-zone conversion from UTC to local time in the Admin Panel
Hi Everyone,
There is a Consultancy requests module in my project in which the user will create a request by selecting the appointment start time and end time through the app and this data will be reflected in the admin panel and the admin can assign them consultants. But if the admin belongs to another time zone I should convert the time according to the admin's local time zone.
Also, I have to send a mail to the consultant once a consultancy session is assigned to them where we are mentioning the time. So I have to convert the time to the consultant's local time zone and send it accordingly.
How can I implement it?
1 replies