Heisenberg | Buffer Finance
Heisenberg | Buffer Finance
Created by Heisenberg | Buffer Finance on 10/8/2023 in #✋|help
Number of replicas is stuck and is not editable
I even changed the values in the railway.json file
9 replies
Created by Heisenberg | Buffer Finance on 10/4/2023 in #✋|help
Python Script Halting in Railway
I have a Python script that is supposed to run forever, but I have seen it halt without any bugs or any other log output. My restart policy is "Always" This is the relevant part of the script
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = parser.parse_args()

bot_name = args.bot
if bot_name not in BOT_FUNCTION_MAPPING:
logger.info(f"Invalid bot name {bot_name}")
raise ValueError(f"Invalid bot name {bot_name}")

logger.info(f"connected {network.show_active()}")

logger.info(f"Starting {bot_name}...")
logger.info(f"Exiting {bot_name}...")
raise SystemExit(1) # Doing this so the process can be restarted by Railway
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = parser.parse_args()

bot_name = args.bot
if bot_name not in BOT_FUNCTION_MAPPING:
logger.info(f"Invalid bot name {bot_name}")
raise ValueError(f"Invalid bot name {bot_name}")

logger.info(f"connected {network.show_active()}")

logger.info(f"Starting {bot_name}...")
logger.info(f"Exiting {bot_name}...")
raise SystemExit(1) # Doing this so the process can be restarted by Railway
7 replies
Created by Heisenberg | Buffer Finance on 9/7/2023 in #✋|help
How to dynamically scale the replicas of an APIs deployed via Railway based on demand?
I have API service with a certain number of replicas, whats the recommended way to scale the number of replicas required for your service?
5 replies
Created by Heisenberg | Buffer Finance on 9/6/2023 in #✋|help
Any way to measure API Metrics for APIs deployed via Railway
the no. of requests, the avg response time
10 replies
Created by Heisenberg | Buffer Finance on 9/5/2023 in #✋|help
Using AND in logs Search and fetching these via an API
I want to use AND to search the logs with both the keywords, currently the logs search assumes OR when multiple keywords are given. I also want to fetch these logs via some API
8 replies