Created by mad alex 1997 on 8/28/2024 in #community-showcase
NuMojo V0.2 Release: Simplified Type Handling, New Features, and Enhanced Compatibility
While magic is getting worked on, is the recommendation for development to build a mojopkg of the dependency and place it in the source tree?
5 replies
Created by tkeitt on 6/23/2024 in #questions
Traits with compile-time SIMD size
I'll work something up that is a bit more complete. I am trying to infer W when passing the engine into the PRNG. I can see that it will probably work if I write it the dimensions explicitly everywhere.
9 replies
Created by tkeitt on 6/23/2024 in #questions
Traits with compile-time SIMD size
I tried that a bunch of different ways. When I parameterize PRNG as PRNG[T: PRNGEngine], I can't seem to resolve W.
9 replies
Created by tkeitt on 6/23/2024 in #questions
Specialize on trait
Thanks. I found it in the changelog. But your example is clearer.
8 replies
Created by Ethan on 6/19/2024 in #community-showcase
Random123: Splittable pseudorandom number generators
Interesting. Splittable sounds ideal for a lot of uses. Do you generate a deterministic sequence of keys from an initial seed in each code block? I ran across this:
17 replies
Created by Ethan on 6/19/2024 in #community-showcase
Random123: Splittable pseudorandom number generators
That does sound different. I've used xoshoro et al. in large MPI applications where each process gets its own prng, all seeded from a common global seed, but each process jumps according to its MPI rank, thus providing reproducible results with independent streams running in parallel.
17 replies
Created by Ethan on 6/19/2024 in #community-showcase
Random123: Splittable pseudorandom number generators
I don't know if the use cases are similar. I ported the xoshiro256 prngs to mojo. You can jump the streams to produce multiple independent sequences. These can be computed in parallel using SIMD.
17 replies
Created by tkeitt on 6/16/2024 in #questions
Parameterized function definitions in traits
Ah. I just needed to update to the latest nightly. Edit: Actually, that was not the fix. I was trying to specialize in the type definition, but specialization occurs at the point of invocation, so the trait requirements have to be duplicated exactly in the type.
7 replies
Created by mad alex 1997 on 6/1/2024 in #community-showcase
NuMojo Moved into a GitHub Organization Updated to Include access to different backends
Yes, I could do that. It would be good to get the package/module/naming structure right early on. In the R world, packages are fairly broad. Seems that way in Python as well. Rust on the other hand often has quite small and single purpose packages.
7 replies
Created by mad alex 1997 on 6/1/2024 in #community-showcase
NuMojo Moved into a GitHub Organization Updated to Include access to different backends
I'd be happy to chat about this. I'm working on some codes related to my research. So far, I have ported the xo(or)shiro prng's to native mojo, implemented a toy static matrix (awaiting someone to port Eigen or similar to mojo), and started on some RK integration methods. I also used numojo but changed it to mojosci as I don't prefer numojo. Perhaps we can think of a better name. It may be too soon to create a working group. Seems to be an army-of-one at the moment. 🙂 I'm happy to think about this. Mojo is the language I have always wanted for scientific computing (way too much time in R and C++; I like Julia in broad-strokes, but I don't like the type-system). We should definitely plan a mojo science conference or side-session in the coming years.
7 replies
Created by drujensen on 6/8/2024 in #questions
dynamic traits are not supported yet
Dunno. But I sure could use generic traits already.
6 replies
Created by aespeiuk on 5/16/2024 in #questions
MAC Docker Setup - Could someone help with it?
Out of curiosity, I just tried this: docker pull debian:latest
docker run -it debian:latest /bin/bash apt install curl libedit2 curl -s | sh - and it worked. The modular script misses the libedit2 install. To clarify, what worked was modular install mojo. I did not try anything else.
6 replies
Created by tkeitt on 6/13/2024 in #questions
Benchmarking code that raises
I tried that and it did not work. I'll give it another go.
4 replies