Created by ComputO on 1/6/2025 in #đŸ™‹questions
Is there a way to autofill the username based on the link in the login and signup forms.
I have created a system to invite a user via a link and when the user clicks on signup link he lands on signup page but the username field remains blank. I would want to pick it up from the URL query params and fill into the username field. #frontend #login
5 replies
Created by ComputO on 1/3/2025 in #đŸ™‹questions
Is there a way to put integrate blog and docs with the login authentication?
I was working on a closed source platform for which the documentation is supposed to be private. The astro based documentation and blog are effect but how can I integrate them directly in app so that one can access them only after logging in.
5 replies
Created by ComputO on 12/27/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
Is there a way to reduce the session expiry instead of the default 1 month .
#đŸ™‹questions While I can update the session table post login with an updated expired_a ,but this will reset whenever a refreshe triggers a new token or updates the life of existing topen Let me know if there any way I can achieve this. #question #sessionTimeout
11 replies