Created by luci1 on 7/11/2024 in #✋|help
Infinite deploy
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Created by luci1 on 5/16/2024 in #✋|help
[Deploy] - Astro SSR
I'm trying to deploy a Astro SSR project, but is showing the error message "Server Error/Application failed to respond" I tried using the following commands to start: - node dist/server/entry.mjs (current) - astro preview - astro preview --port $PORT I'm not using Dockerfile or custom build, i'm just running npm build (alias to default astro build) and npm start . My astro.config.mjs:
import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
import tailwind from "@astrojs/tailwind";
import react from "@astrojs/react";

import node from "@astrojs/node";

export default defineConfig({
integrations: [tailwind({
applyBaseStyles: false
}), react()],
prefetch: true,
output: "server",
experimental: {
actions: true
// redirects: { "/dashboard": "/dashboard/stores" },
vite: {
ssr: {
noExternal: ["@radix-ui/react-select"]
adapter: node({
mode: "standalone"
import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
import tailwind from "@astrojs/tailwind";
import react from "@astrojs/react";

import node from "@astrojs/node";

export default defineConfig({
integrations: [tailwind({
applyBaseStyles: false
}), react()],
prefetch: true,
output: "server",
experimental: {
actions: true
// redirects: { "/dashboard": "/dashboard/stores" },
vite: {
ssr: {
noExternal: ["@radix-ui/react-select"]
adapter: node({
mode: "standalone"
17 replies
Created by luci1 on 8/20/2023 in #✋|help
I'm trying to deploy using my build script. The build script consist in install normally the packages (including the development packages), but after, I need to remove the node_modules file to install only the production package's, but I got the error about .cache folder #12 1.527 rm: cannot remove 'node_modules/.cache': Device or resource busy Someone knows a way to reinstall the node_modules only for production? The current build command:
tsup ./src && rm -rf node_modules src && yarn install --prod
tsup ./src && rm -rf node_modules src && yarn install --prod
The "tsup" will convert my TypeScript project to JavaScript project at dist folder, so I don't need the src folder anymore.
68 replies
Created by luci1 on 8/20/2023 in #✋|help
Railway IPv4
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