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Created by jared.leddy on 6/23/2024 in #✋|help
API Crashes 20+ Times Daily
Trying to figure out what is going on. Our uptime monitor sends out an email when the page goes down for longer than 5 min. For the past few weeks, the API is showing that it goes down 20-40 times a day for about a 3 day stretch. Then it's fine for a few days, and it's back to a 3 days stretch of chaos. What? How? Why?
35 replies
Created by jared.leddy on 5/7/2024 in #✋|help
Is there a cache?
We have an API that is deployed with Railway. The API includes a WP instance for content. The name servers for this WP instance's subdomain were updated. While propagation typically can take up to 3 days, ours run super fast. For nearly 12 hours now, our API does not register that the DNS updates were made, and continue to crash saying the subdomain can't be found. In localhost, everything is working as expected, but when deployed it doesn't work. So, the only thing that makes sense is that there is a cache somewhere.
27 replies
Created by jared.leddy on 3/31/2024 in #✋|help
Payload CMS App Doesn't Appear to work correctly
No description
22 replies
Created by jared.leddy on 12/30/2023 in #✋|help
Gravity Forms POST Does Not Work
We've got a client with a WordPress website. We are using Gravity Forms to capture uploaded files. Our last ditch effort was to create a middleware app that will accept the Gravity Forms POST, or Webhook, digest the data and do the following in Google Drive: 1. Create a new folder. 2. Upload the files from URL into the newly created folder. We've tested this many times, but the only one that fails is the direct test. Passed Tests: 1. Run the app locally, and use Postman to POST the JSON data. 2. Deploy the app to Railway, and use Postman to POST the JSON data. Failed Tests: 1. Deploy the app to Railway, and use Gravity Forms to submit the data. The POST of JSON data was done through the Gravity Forms Webhooks plugin. 2. Deploy the app to Railway, and use Gravity Forms to submit the data. The POST of JSON data was done through the Gravity Forms Send to 3rd Party plugin. Both of these plugins have confirmed they are working, using PipeDream to accept the POST data. The two failed test above were updated to send the data to PipeDream and the data was received successfully. Which means that the problem is explicitly with sending the data from Gravity Forms to our deployed Railway app. Is there anything in Railway that would block this from working?
13 replies
Created by jared.leddy on 12/25/2023 in #✋|help
DB is Down?
Trying to connect to a DB that was created yesterday. Yesterday, I was able to connect to it via query tool. Now, the query tool, and new app are unable to connect.
19 replies
Created by jared.leddy on 12/17/2023 in #✋|help
Simple PHP Website Returns 404
I've got a client website. It was originally an HTML website that we converted to PHP. There is a little bit of dynamic content, but they all come from the file system. There are no frameworks and no database. Tried to deploy with Railway, and it's returning a 404. What am I missing? https://epamperedpetscom-production.up.railway.app/
10 replies