Created by Pelfox on 6/28/2023 in #✋|help
Permission Denied when trying to write on Volume
Hi, I'm migrating my project onto Railway, and currently facing error that my application can't write a new file onto a volume. Here's the full error: /home/capes-api/capes/<filename>: permission denied
5 replies
Created by Pelfox on 4/2/2023 in #✋|help
Multiple services on a single domain
Hi! I have 3 services: API (Backend), Landing that uses this API (Frontend) and a Documentation for the API. These three services will be deployed on Railway, and I want to have one domain for all of them. What I'm talking about is called "Reverse Proxy" in Nginx. Does Railway have something like this? If not, what are possible workarounds? For example, if request goes to /api, then service called Backend will handle it.
11 replies