Michal Čabala
Michal Čabala
Created by Michal Čabala on 2/20/2024 in #❓┊help
Group action (question/help request)
Hello everybody, kindly asking if it's possible to make a group action in Filament. Let's say i have table with materials, grouped by pallet number (id). So i can edit/delete/whatever each material. Can i also add action for whole group (pallet) in the same table? If yes, can you point me the right way how to do that? Many many thanks for your replies and help 😉
8 replies
Created by Michal Čabala on 12/16/2023 in #❓┊help
Custom user avatar
Hello, It is possible to exchange default Avatar provider with custom one? For example to change ui-avatars.com to custom local code and optionally custom code or image? How can i do that, for noobs? ☺️ Many thanks 🙂😉
3 replies
Created by Michal Čabala on 11/25/2023 in #❓┊help
Deploy to shared hosting, not loading assets.
When deploying to shared hosting, there are assets of course, but for some reason unknown to me, they are not loading. Almost not at all in Firefox, only partially in Chrome (which is also a mystery to me). You can try to look at it: https://dev.forvix.work/admin or /wms
16 replies
Created by Michal Čabala on 10/28/2023 in #❓┊help
Customize Login process for multiple panels and "user" models.
Hello all, my apologies for noob question, as I'm not experienced developer and I'm still learning. Documentation is not understandable for me in this case, trying Googling, but no luck. (probably my bad english as I'm probably asking wrong) Today, it's my first time with V3. In V2, i've tried to do a custom login behaviour with custom page (by some tutorial) and it's working great. Now, I'm trying to do the same thing in V3. What I'm trying to do: In basic, I will have different panels (admin, app, wms, ...). and each panel will use different model for login (users, employees, etc.) with custom login behaviour (employee will login with personal no., check user is_active, etc.). Kindly asking, can somebody just point me right direction how to do this in V3 explained step by step what to do "for noobs" ? Many thanks for your help 😉
5 replies
Created by Michal Čabala on 10/24/2023 in #❓┊help
Creat form like this
No description
5 replies
Created by Michal Čabala on 3/21/2023 in #❓┊help
Few questions from beginner
Hello everybody. I'm new to Filament and everything seems understandable for me. I have googled a lot, but didn' find answers to mz questions... I would like to do an app for warehouse. What i would like to do/need in first: 1. Different dashboards for different user types/roles (admin,general type user, warehouse operator etc.) with one login form and use username instead of email. 2. Completely custom dashboard theme/template (optional, not neccesary at start) 3. Insert data to multiple tables: Warehouse transactions logging. For example, make record to table with material deposited in mass storage and make record to another table about this action in the same time. Then have two views - of material in mass storage and a list of transactions. Kindly asking someone can point me the right direction (explanation, tutorials, etc.) Many thanks in advance and also huuuge thanks for Filament creators.
9 replies