Created by pond on 7/21/2023 in #help
❔ anyone interested in helping a starter?
Im a starter looking to start learning c#. after spending days researching where to start im still kinda confused. People have been linking me courses to begin, but , before i start on them i was wondering if anyone familiar in c# could tell me how they began learning? also, can people in this server ask to get personal help from experienced coders or is that not alowed / not done?
12 replies
Created by pond on 7/20/2023 in #help
❔ advice?
im currently beginning a microsoft c# course and im finding that im spending waaaaaay longer than i should on just making notes. is there a faster and easier method to remember info?
27 replies
Created by pond on 7/20/2023 in #help
❔ Recommendations
Im a total beginner to everything comp-sci and im interested in learning c# (so i can start to use Unity). I was wondering if any one was ever in the same situation as i am, and if so, how you began learning. i have no prior experience in any language and im finding it difficult to start as i have no idea what im doing.
19 replies