C#12mo ago

❔ anyone interested in helping a starter?

Im a starter looking to start learning c#. after spending days researching where to start im still kinda confused. People have been linking me courses to begin, but , before i start on them i was wondering if anyone familiar in c# could tell me how they began learning? also, can people in this server ask to get personal help from experienced coders or is that not alowed / not done?
10 Replies
phaseshift12mo ago
i was wondering if anyone familiar in c# could tell me how they began learning?
Thats probably fairly different for everyone, and is not really going to be of practical use to you? The server doesn't have a mentoring system, if thats what you're asking. There are plenty enough knowledgeable people on the server to help with beginner/intermediate and even advanced questions
Moods12mo ago
Not being mean or judgy but you also asked yesterday. You shouldn’t waste time looking for a best way to start
pond12mo ago
yeah i know. im still confused tho. theres like a million different ways to start
Jimmacle12mo ago
pick one and try it
pond12mo ago
fair enough
Jimmacle12mo ago
we can't guess which methods will work well for you 😛
Angius12mo ago
dotnet new console and start fiddling with it and googling around
friedice12mo ago
I started with java when
armin12mo ago
Yeah I can guide you But im not very experienced
Accord12mo ago
Was this issue resolved? If so, run /close - otherwise I will mark this as stale and this post will be archived until there is new activity.
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