❔ Recommendations
Im a total beginner to everything comp-sci and im interested in learning c# (so i can start to use Unity). I was wondering if any one was ever in the same situation as i am, and if so, how you began learning. i have no prior experience in any language and im finding it difficult to start as i have no idea what im doing.
15 Replies
Written interactive course https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/tour-of-csharp/tutorials/
Videos https://dotnet.microsoft.com/learn/videos
Start there :)
which one do you think i should do first?
The written interactive course i guess
Then you can watch the videos, and then hopefully from there you’ll be comfortable enough to navigate your own learning
In any case you can always ask here for assistance if stuck
thanks man :)). i was just struggling to understand where i should start
It’s alright man, I wish you the best in your studies
would you say this is a starter friendly course? im finding alot are not
This? Yeah definitely
You just gotta put in the effort, and it’d go a long way too if you enjoyed learning it
i gotchu, anyway, im on the Intro to c# link and im wondering where do i go?

Read through it, as an advice I’d go to the C# 101 they linked there
if u want gamedev also try unreal engine
ill stick with unity for now.
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