Unable to restore postgres database from back-up file
OK no worries, thanks for the help anyway.
Next question — how can I actually go about dropping my database? Doesn't seem it's possible via the Railway interface (I can delete the service but that doesn't seem the right action).
20 replies
Unable to restore postgres database from back-up file
Found a reddit post related to this issue: https://www.reddit.com/r/PostgreSQL/comments/xe832f/restore_error/
On there someone I should do this:
Then restore to the new database.
Is that right? Feels a bit scary to drop the DB without being sure it'll work...
20 replies
Taking back-up of postgres database
Sorry — not quite "Solved" yet.
I followed the guide: https://blog.railway.app/p/postgre-backup
I managed to export my Database to my local machine no worries.
Then I started a new project on Railway with a new instance of Postgres and was able to use the command to upload my database dump without issues.
However, when I then ran the command to restore my database to the same instance I took the dump from it didn't run. A stream of errors were output in the terminal and seeminly no changes were made to my original database.
Have I mis-understood how the command actually works? I thought it would overwrite my database with the contents of the dump file.
is that not the case?
Sorry if this is a n00b question — all a bit new to me.
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