Too much space between Widgets and Content when having Clusters (submenu) fixed in this PR
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RelationManager belongsToMany withPivot(['id']) returns Column 'id' in order clause is ambiguous
I also found the reason why the EditAction receives the wrong form input when duplicate column names in both tables are used.
in filament/tables/src/Actions/EditAction.php there only is a check for the BelongsToMany relationship when pressing the save button. That is okay, but the same thing should be done in the setUp() function. but there it just converts the $record->attributesToArray() and when using the same columns names it just takes the first columns of the joined tables.
in the $this->action function you can see that the pivot columns get renamed with a prefix of pivot_. which is a good thing not to have duplicates!
so for example: 'quantity' becomes 'pivot_quantity' .
and only those columns will get saved --> $pivotData = Arr::only($data, $pivotColumns);
Will create ticket for that as well .
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