Too much space between Widgets and Content when having Clusters (submenu)
When i have a large amount of menuitems in my cluster i notice there is space between a page his Header Widgets and its content.
I checked vendor/filament/filament/resources/views/components/page/index.blade.php and starting on line 57:
When i add
Can anybody confirm they have the same problem with the Custers and long cluster menu's --> and spaces between widgets and content?
behind the md:flex-row
like so:
the space between the widgets disappear. also when i had more than 2 widgets and the flex-columns were 2 so the third and forth etc. had to much space between them. with the md:items-start
this is fixed.Can anybody confirm they have the same problem with the Custers and long cluster menu's --> and spaces between widgets and content?
8 replies
RelationManager belongsToMany withPivot(['id']) returns Column 'id' in order clause is ambiguous
When attaching an Product item to my Warehouse model which is a manyToMany relationship. I'm getting an SQL error (see below)
the order by should contain the pivot table name ....
i need the "id" because my attachments can be duplicated. I also already have configured:
this is my migration:
Product Model:
Warehouse Model:
102 replies
how to register {tenant} routes for API (api.php routes file)
I cannot figure out how i can manage the api.php routes to register the {tenant} parameter so that i can use this for my API routes.
uses something like this:
but when i add these to my routes/api.php
only $panelId = 1 and $hasTenancy = true. the rest of the variables are NULL...
Also in the Http/Middleware/IdentifyTenant.php
this get mentioned like this:
how can i make sure that also for my API enpoints i can use the tenant slug in the URI.
php artisan route:list only shows it for the web.php endpoints
like so:
but for my API endpoints: no {tenant}
23 replies
protected $isScopedToTenant not available when extending from package Resource Class
I cannot change the $isScopedToTenant variable when i use the following setup:
Package has an Resource called:
in my application i override/extend this ScheduleResource:
i have to add in my package Resource class:
and then in my application ScheduleResource:
also this won't work:
4 replies
multi tenancy as polymorphic table
In multi-tenancy by default every resource should get an extra table column team_id for example. Isn’t it possible to use one polymorphic table with which resource holds access to which team and which resource record and corresponding user? Keeps all the rest of the tables clean and no extra migrations to run on the tables.
Has anybody tried yet / is it possible?
4 replies