Prevent Full Page Reload & Stop sidebar from scrolling to top
I am having an issue with my documentation. You can see more about the issue here:
When I click a link from the navigation on the left, a full page reload is triggered. How do i prevent this?
The reload causes the navigation to scroll back to the top of the page.
You can visit this website to see what I am talking about :
5 replies
Render function for VCalendar
Hey, can anyone help me with creating a render function for this VCalendar package? The issue I am having is with getting the slots to work. This is the code I have that is not working. Idk how to pass the slots so that when i use it in my template files, it will actually use the slot
1 replies
`types` are not exported by default from `utils` folder
I have a few types in a validation file inside the
folder. The schemas that I exported are auto-imported but the types are not. How do i declare types globally?
here is a snapshot of the validation.ts
Thanks for the help.3 replies
Toast notification that appears when you copy install code in modules page
Can someone point me to the code/package that displays the little toast that pops up at the bottom on the page here:
When you click on
yarn add @nuxtjs/tailwindcss
button, the toast appears.5 replies