Custom Styling Panel
We make use of Laravel Tenancy and different Panels. So for example:
landlord.test -> will go to AdminPanelProvider
tenant.test -> will go to TenantPanelProvider
We want every tenant to be able to customize their styling of their panel, with own primary color, secondary color, logo and favicon. Is it possible to make this dynamic based on the settings of this tenant and what is the best way to get this done? For example we can store the colors and images paths in the database or is this something we can use?
Thanks in advance!
13 replies
Best practices data dashboard?
I want to create an dashboard were i can display different data for example amount of orders with an from, until date and some default filters like this week, last week.
Anyone some tips for start building this? Using a custom view or just do it with Filament standards? Thanks in advance!
3 replies
Multiple Filament forms submit at once Livewire
I'm building an booking systeem and using Filament Form in Livewire, for example someone has 3 bookings he needs to register some data to each booking. So i have created an addParticipant Livewire Component and call that in participants.blade.php
Right now it will show three diffrent form, thats good but when i click next page i want that from te form input there will be created 3 participants and attached to the booking but right now i need to save every form individually.
AddParticipant.php form()
Right now i can click the save button on every form and it will work but that is not what i want, because the user has to press 3 times save and that is a bit to much clicking! 🙂
6 replies
Class "Filament\PanelProvider" not found
I have set my:
"minimum-stability": "dev",
and ran this
composer require filament/upgrade:"^3.0-stable" -W --dev
and when i will do composer update
i get the error Class "Filament\PanelProvider" not found
How can i fix this?54 replies
Filters in Popover and AboveContent
Is it possible to add filter to the popover and to above content? I saw you can set getTableFiltersLayout() on the list page, or add in the Resource page layout: on filters but is it possible to have some filters Above the contect and some filters in the Popover?
3 replies