Class "Filament\PanelProvider" not found
I have set my:
"minimum-stability": "dev",
and ran this
composer require filament/upgrade:"^3.0-stable" -W --dev
and when i will do composer update
i get the error Class "Filament\PanelProvider" not found
How can i fix this?46 Replies

Have you tried
Yes i did
And what do you see in
php artisan about
?Then i see the same error
comment the
in your config/app.php
and run php artisan about
I already did

comment // the line 183

what is the
version in your composer.json?"filament/filament": "^2.17",
Thats why it is still on 2.17 thats because i get also this error when composer update
yep.. run
composer require filament/filament:"^3.0-stable" -W

maybe plugins?
Some plugins you're using may not be available in v3 just yet. You could temporarily remove them from your composer.json file until they've been upgraded...
I will remove them and try again (already did that) but also when i also want to update curator (who has an v3 version) i still get the same error
So i think i should remove them, upgrade then i think? And then install them again?
can you try?
I will! Thanks for you help right now appriecate it, wil come back after!
nice.. you can try the upgrade again..
Thanks after i removed them right?
since they are available in v3, the script should work. So you can try the upgrade again.
If you have the same error, try to remove them..
thanks i will!
Thanks @Leandro Ferreira i have removed the packages and install them after that worked

i think it is almost working, last thing is that my styling i a bit weird
It seems like he won't import the filament styling
hum, yes.. did you have a custom theme on v2?
No just the basic
console errors?

I think i see

I taught it picked the wrong file / class. I will try to do it again and not updating livewire this time
Still having the same issue
Also did this: Finally, you must run php artisan filament:install to finalize the Filament v3 installation. This command must be run for all new Filament projects.
can you share your vite.config.js?
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import laravel from 'laravel-vite-plugin';
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
input: [
refresh: true,
do you have these files in the resource folder?

I have change it to pointing to the right file but same troubles
not sure what is the issue..
php artisan filament:upgrade
compiles assets
what about app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php?
remove it
That was the issue right?

Looks better!
Should I have known that or read that somewhere?
actually you had a custom theme/css on v2
Really? Sorry mate for my fault
no worries.. if you need to customize on v3, follow this section
Great, thanks for your help!
I had the same problem. Turns out when I removed the 2 plugins I was using the upgrade proceeded with no problems.