Created by olivemonk on 2/16/2025 in #💬│support
Issues with the inbox component
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Created by olivemonk on 2/9/2025 in #💬│support
Need help in resolving some issues with self hosted local deployment of Novu.
Hello everyone, I'm new here, I wanted to deploy and run novu locally and I followed the self host guide, and it some what worked I had some question and issues: 1. in this we are using Mongo DB, can we use any other DB of our choice(most likely Dynamo DB) and if yes then do we need to make a lot of changes or it can be done with minimal efforts. 2. whenever we run npx novu@latest dev --port 4000 command it spins up Tunnel, Studio, Dashboard & Endpoint and gives us the different urls for these, I wanted to know after some time whenever I try to trigger a notification using a Nextjs frontend with some delay(like 5-10 min) after running the above command, the tunnel connection don't work i need to re-run the above command again and then it start working, can you please explain why this is happening. error that i get :
Error triggering notification: Unknown BridgeError: {
"code": "TunnelNotFound",
"statusCode": 404,
"timestamp": "2025-02-09T05:47:36.441Z",
"path": "/v1/events/trigger",
"message": "Unable to establish tunnel connection to `https://c8e09208-****-****-****-ac8fcd1c7f8f.novu.sh/api/novu`. Run npx novu@latest dev in Local mode, or ensure your Tunnel app deployment is available.",
"ctx": {
"code": "TunnelNotFound"
Error triggering notification: Unknown BridgeError: {
"code": "TunnelNotFound",
"statusCode": 404,
"timestamp": "2025-02-09T05:47:36.441Z",
"path": "/v1/events/trigger",
"message": "Unable to establish tunnel connection to `https://c8e09208-****-****-****-ac8fcd1c7f8f.novu.sh/api/novu`. Run npx novu@latest dev in Local mode, or ensure your Tunnel app deployment is available.",
"ctx": {
"code": "TunnelNotFound"
3. Also i tried creating workflow in my local deployment, we need to integrate email provider, i tired setting up mailtrap and some other mail providers but for all them i got auth failed i followed the docs to setup a mail provider @DevRel @Community Verification @Support
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