Need help in resolving some issues with self hosted local deployment of Novu.
Hello everyone, I'm new here, I wanted to deploy and run novu locally and I followed the self host guide, and it some what worked I had some question and issues:
1. in this we are using Mongo DB, can we use any other DB of our choice(most likely Dynamo DB) and if yes then do we need to make a lot of changes or it can be done with minimal efforts.
2. whenever we run
npx novu@latest dev --port 4000
command it spins up Tunnel, Studio, Dashboard & Endpoint and gives us the different urls for these, I wanted to know after some time whenever I try to trigger a notification using a Nextjs frontend with some delay(like 5-10 min) after running the above command, the tunnel connection don't work i need to re-run the above command again and then it start working, can you please explain why this is happening. error that i get :
3. Also i tried creating workflow in my local deployment, we need to integrate email provider, i tired setting up mailtrap and some other mail providers but for all them i got auth failed i followed the docs to setup a mail provider
@DevRel @Community Verification
@Support3 Replies
Hey 👋
- 1. We support MongoDB only
- 2. We have timeout with tunnel, that's why you need to run this command again so that the tunnel session is refreshed
- 3. Please share the screenshot of this issue. It will be helpful to debug the issue
Thanks for the reply,
I wanted to know will the timeout problem persists in deployment
Locla studio and local tunnel is not required in production environment. When you deploy your application, bridge url will be your application base URL + API path
Locla studio and local tunnel is not required in production environment. When you deploy your application, bridge url will be your application base URL + API path