Dull Object Specialist
Dull Object Specialist
Created by Dull Object Specialist on 10/16/2024 in #❓・help
Nuxt Content - Navigation not rendered properly to generated static site
I have a few pages in the /content tree
I marked the index.md pages wit
title: Home | folder 1
title: Home | folder 1
And the following code in my app.vue
When I run in dev mode all gets nicely rendered into a menu `Home folder 1`.

However when I generate and serve with a webserver the menue ignores my CSS and renders as a tree
When I run in dev mode all gets nicely rendered into a menu `Home folder 1`.

However when I generate and serve with a webserver the menue ignores my CSS and renders as a tree
-- Home +-- Home +- folder 1 +-- folder 1 +-- other ``` Why the difference? Is there any setting I'm missing?
6 replies
Created by Dull Object Specialist on 10/13/2024 in #❓・help
Nuxt Content markdown with Nuxt schema-org
I'm looking for any information how to get schema.org JSON+LD markup into pages written with Nuxt Content I have installed the @nuxtjs/seo module and with it the nuxt-schema-org and defined the global config in nuxt.config.ts
modules: ['@nuxt/content', '@nuxtjs/seo', '@nuxt/image'],
site: {
url: 'https://example.com',
trailingSlash: true,
name: 'An example garden',
description: "A Garden ...",
defaultLocale: 'en', // not needed if you have @nuxtjs/i18n installed

schemaOrg: {
identity: {
type: 'Organization',
'@id': "https://example.com/#organization",
name: 'The Best Example',
url: 'https://example.com',
logo: '/images/ExampleLogo.png'
modules: ['@nuxt/content', '@nuxtjs/seo', '@nuxt/image'],
site: {
url: 'https://example.com',
trailingSlash: true,
name: 'An example garden',
description: "A Garden ...",
defaultLocale: 'en', // not needed if you have @nuxtjs/i18n installed

schemaOrg: {
identity: {
type: 'Organization',
'@id': "https://example.com/#organization",
name: 'The Best Example',
url: 'https://example.com',
logo: '/images/ExampleLogo.png'
How do I add page specific schema, such as "author", "about", ..." What are the ways to connect those two? - front matter that is picked up? - do I need to add MDC components? - How do I do this? - do I need to add a script to the pages/[...slug].vue Are there any examples around I could follow?
3 replies
Created by Dull Object Specialist on 10/6/2024 in #❓・help
Linking between MD documents
How am I supposed to make the links between documents?
-- folder1
---- index.md
-- index.md
-- folder1
---- index.md
-- index.md
/ is index.md and when generated as prerender it becomes /index.html [folder 1]('/folder1') is supposed to serve /folder1/index.html? or ist it [folder 1]('/folder1/') ? Or is there the ability to just link to the md file [folder 1](/folder1/index.md) and the backend figures out the details when rendering the page?
3 replies