Created by jgreco on 5/29/2024 in #❓┊help
Fileupload on registration page - 419 error
For full context, we have a Filament app with 2 panels - Admin & Member. When a member registers, an Admin receives a notification and they must review the member user details to approve access. Middleware blocks the member user from accessing the panel until they're approved. In order for a member to register they must provide an ID card upload. We've discovered that when the fileupload field is set, and Sign Up is clicked, then the session expires. Console shows a call to /livewire/update returns 419. We are trying to understand how the fileupload field causes the page to expire. Thank you!
3 replies
Created by jgreco on 8/21/2023 in #❓┊help
Toggleable columns not working with Split
5 replies
Created by jgreco on 5/15/2023 in #❓┊help
Wizard step overflow-y-hidden not hiding child elements from other steps
14 replies