Wizard step overflow-y-hidden not hiding child elements from other steps

I'm using the Form Builder with Wizard layout to organize a large form into steps for the user. Step 1 is short, just basic contact info, but steps 2 and 3 are much longer and contain combinations of sections and repeaters. The issue is on step 1 there is a ton of empty scroll space at the bottom of the page and when inspecting the code, it looks like the elements in steps 2 & 3 are causing this. Doesn't look like h-0 overflow-y-hidden is observed. When I replace x-bind:class="{ 'invisible h-0 overflow-y-hidden': step !== @js($getId()) }" with x-bind:class="{ 'hidden h-0 overflow-y-hidden': step !== @js($getId()) }" it seems to get rid of the empty space. So my question is why couldn't we just use hidden/display:none to hide tabs out of focus, or if someone knows a solution or what I am doing wrong that would also be great. P.S. I am using a custom theme, but I updated to the latest versions of Tailwind and it still happens when I disable the custom theme.
12 Replies
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
interesting @zepfietje @awcodes do you know the reason we use invisible instead of hidden here?
awcodes2y ago
Not sure. Haven’t done much with the wizard. I’m wondering if it has something to do with auto focus on validation or the step index?
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
oh, i dont think its the autofocus
jgrecoOP2y ago
I've tested validation and form submission using hidden instead, and it seems to work. Is invisible being used for transition purposes?
awcodes2y ago
That’s a possibility too. I’m seeing the tabs also uses it, so there has to be a valid reason.
jgrecoOP2y ago
I've, so far, tried skippable and the validation hooks (trying to break it) but seems to be working still. Found this: https://github.com/filamentphp/filament/pull/1997/files, maybe FilePond?
Fix file upload not loading correctly in secondary tabs and collaps...
Fixes #1967 Replaces x-show with a custom set of classes that hide the tabs without using display: none. This is the workaround proposed in the FilePond issue (pqina/filepond#819 (comment)).
jgrecoOP2y ago
Nope, still works 🤷‍♂️
awcodes2y ago
Can you try it with a tabs form field too?
jgrecoOP2y ago
I set this up quickly as a test. overflow-y-hidden seems to work on tabs. I also noticed that Wizard doesn't make use of wire:key but tabs do. I'm also going through all of my columnSpans and columns values to see if I have any unclosed divs or something
Zep Fietje
Zep Fietje2y ago
Hmm not sure, @danharrin, but I was thinking the same as @awcodes
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
i dont think we can eaisly switch to hidden or x-show because of the github issue linked above, so will need to continue investigating how to get this to work properly with invisible
Zep Fietje
Zep Fietje2y ago
I've seen this approach in other places where it does seem to ignore the invisible height?

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