Created by Yannick on 12/8/2023 in #✋|help
The value of my read variable is different from that edited.
No description
9 replies
Created by Yannick on 11/30/2023 in #✋|help
Connection refused to local node on port 8546.
No description
20 replies
Created by Yannick on 11/27/2023 in #✋|help
CLI and HTTP status client error bug
projectID: b57cbd01-a5dc-49bc-a75f-a5574bc644c7 Error 413 occurs when restarting a server with the railway up command.
Error: HTTP status client error (413 Payload Too Large) for url (https://backboard.railway.app/project/...)
Error: HTTP status client error (413 Payload Too Large) for url (https://backboard.railway.app/project/...)
The URL of the message displays Not found. Can you help me resolve the issue?
5 replies
Created by Yannick on 11/24/2023 in #✋|help
Bug in the builder that no longer works
ProjectId = 32e7c04c-c58a-41a6-9e8c-320a473294f7 The Build Logs no longer receives build logs from the Redeploy command and ends up with an error in Deploy Logs. And the Restart command is Not found The command script is located in the package.json file of my Github repo node index.js and the builder version is NIXPACKS_NODE_VERSION=18. All other settings values are provided by default. Thank you for your help.
12 replies
Created by Yannick on 11/21/2023 in #✋|help
Environment and Authentication Issues with Railway CLI on GitHub Actions
ProjectID: b57cbd01-a5dc-49bc-a75f-a5574bc644c7 I'm having trouble using the Railway CLI in GitHub Actions. Here are the specific issues: Specified Environment Requirement: In non-interactive mode on GitHub Actions, I receive the error Environment must be provided when not running in a terminal. How can I specify the environment correctly in this context? Authorization Issues and Non-Interactive Login: When trying to log in with railway login, I get Unauthorized. Please login with 'railway login' and Cannot login in non-interactive mode. How do I authenticate in non-interactive mode on GitHub Actions? These issues are blocking Railway's integration into our CI/CD pipeline. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Additional Information : Railway CLI version used: 3.0.22 GitHub Actions workflow using Node.js v18 and the Railway CLI Context of use: use in GitHub Actions with RAILWAY_TOKEN in Railways settings and Github secrets. Thank you for your help.
4 replies
Created by Yannick on 2/7/2023 in #✋|help
Websocket no longer listens to events and no error returns.
Project Id: 32e7c04c-c58a-41a6-9e8c-320a473294f7 Dear Railway Support, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to report a problem with my websocket server, which has stopped listening to events and does not return any errors. Despite this, the get headers always show a status of 200. I have considered several possible avenues for investigation, including an error occurring when opening the binding with the client or the websocket destroying the connection without restarting it. As a temporary solution, I have tried restarting the server, but this has not resolved the issue. Unfortunately, there is no information in the logs that indicates what is causing the problem. I would greatly appreciate any assistance you could provide in resolving this issue, as it is impacting my ability to effectively use the websocket server.
wssProvider._websocket.on('open', () => {
keepAliveInterval = setInterval(() => {
if (isPrintLogs)
`Checking if the connection is alive, sending a ping on ${network} with the ${providerName} provider`


// `WebSocket#terminate()`, which immediately destroys the connection,
pingTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
console.error(`Terminate websocket ${providerName} on ${network}`)
wssProvider._websocket.on('open', () => {
keepAliveInterval = setInterval(() => {
if (isPrintLogs)
`Checking if the connection is alive, sending a ping on ${network} with the ${providerName} provider`


// `WebSocket#terminate()`, which immediately destroys the connection,
pingTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
console.error(`Terminate websocket ${providerName} on ${network}`)
It is possible that the issue with your websocket server could be related to this code. If the websocket connection is being terminated for some reason, the server will not be able to receive events until a new connection is established. To diagnose the issue, you may want to log the state of the websocket connection at different points in the code and see if the terminate() function is being called unexpectedly. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. Sincerely, Yannick.
6 replies
Created by Yannick on 2/3/2023 in #✋|help
My github PR merge didn't close automatically.
Hi, I have a pr#20 that was merged but remained in the PR environment. Project ID: 32e7c04c-c58a-41a6-9e8c-320a473294f7 I enable Pull Request Deploys, a temporary environment is spun up to support the Pull Request deploy. These environments are deleted as soon as these PRs are merged or closed. But my pr stayed in my workflow. Bests, Yannick.
3 replies
Created by Yannick on 11/23/2022 in #✋|help
Questions about automatic deployment with a new PR.
Hi, I'm waiting for my PR to be deployed automatically on Railway. The PRs were deployed on the first project, but not for the following ones. I'm see the PRs with the appearance of the <project-pr-number> in the dropdown. Her my project ID: 32e7c04c-c58a-41a6-9e8c-320a473294f7 1. I belong to my boss's team and my profile is connected to Github (and Discord) 2. To date, three projects appear on the dahboard with the same concern PR -> automatic deployment. What action to do to obtain the automatic deployment of the PRs? I tried from a new personal, non-team account and logged into Github. Why am I not getting my PR automatically deployed? Thank you.
7 replies
Created by Yannick on 11/4/2022 in #✋|help
Assign an environment variables, with my PR coming into railway
I'm looking for a way to assign an environment, environment variables, with my PR coming into railway and creating an instance. Is there a way to automatically associate it with all pr relative to my repo but also different environment variables from production? Best.
3 replies