Created by TechieStephen on 5/22/2024 in #❓・help
useFetch() , useAsyncData() doesn't work on server side rendering.
Am currently dealing with an issue with nuxt3 useFetch() , useAsyncData() doesn't work on initial page load or refresh unless I set the server property to false And I need this pages to be rendered on the server 😔.
5 replies
Created by TechieStephen on 3/26/2023 in #❓・help
How do I add FormData (containing uploaded images) in a $fetch post request? I have gone through the documentation nothing was said about this. I just want to send the image to the backend api to upload it. I usually use axios for this but the nuxt offical documentation recommends using $fetch.
3 replies
Created by TechieStephen on 3/7/2023 in #❓・help
Authentication In NUXT
Hi everyone I recently moved from nuxt 2 to nuxt 3 and am kinda confused about something. in nuxt 2 I use the module for authentication but I read in a StackOverflow answer that this module isn't available for nuxt 3. My question is: is there currently a module one can use in nuxt 3?. If not How would you recommend I implement authentication in nuxt 3. I already have a backend built with core with JWT authentication. so am only using NUXT 3 for the Client side.
3 replies