Deploying via github always crashes after 4-5 minutes
I am creating a discord bot and when I commit to github and deploy it, it starts fine at first. But after 4-5 minutes, it always crashes with error "websocket: close 4004: Authentication failed.
This happens even if I rewrite only the comments without rewriting the code, so it does not seem to originate from the code.
It seems that the discord bot token set in the environment variable cannot be used via github commit.
After resetting the token and redeploying, it starts up normally and runs without problems.
Also, when I press the redeploy button on railway, the above error does not occur.
What is the difference between when I go through github and when I press the redeploy button?Why does it start up fine the first time and then after 5 minutes it fails?
The project id is as follows
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