Created by Faolain on 4/19/2024 in #✋|help
Created a Private Thread for Support
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8 replies
Created by Faolain on 4/19/2024 in #✋|help
ServiceInstanceRedeploys Failing via GraphQL Endpoint
I recently had my CI begin to fail as a result of a failing service instance redeploy. As a quick tldr I've been using this github action https://github.com/Faolain/railway-pr-deploy/blob/main/index.js for many months now unchanged. However I recently added a new service and it appears after adding this new service, the serviceInstanceRedeploys fail via the CI (which uses the graphql endpoint). I tried on my local graphql GUI and see the same issue. Is there any reason why this serviceInstanceRedeploy is failing/how to find more information about this?
28 replies
Created by Faolain on 1/31/2024 in #✋|help
Create Environment no longer creating deployments
I have a github action I created which would use the api to call createEnvironment which itself would do things to setup ephemeral PR environments however the github aciton is now failing. Upon inspecting it it was because this line in my github action is failing https://github.com/Faolain/railway-pr-deploy/blob/main/index.js#L240 (wherein it checks for a deployment status), however this always used to work. I haven't changed this action in quite some time and PRs from the last few days were functioning. This line expects a deployment to already exist which was always taken care of by https://github.com/Faolain/railway-pr-deploy/blob/main/index.js#L376 . Do deployments need to be explicitly done now after an environment is created?
70 replies
Created by Faolain on 12/21/2023 in #✋|help
Phantom Orphaned Services that do not appear on GUI
I had created a service on the GUI and then deleted it(I believe done twice), however now whenever I create environments based off that previous one (even though that previous one doesn't have these dangling empty services) they appear on the programatically created ones. Stranger, these services do not show on the GUI. How should I remedy this? Should I delete the serviceinstances via the graphql api? Are these dangling services consuming any resources? Etc
27 replies
Created by Faolain on 12/20/2023 in #✋|help
Railway GraphQL Question - getting service names from environments query
Sorry if this is easy to find but I'm not capable of seeing how this can be done, I have the following graphql query
query environments($projectId: String!) {
environments(projectId: $projectId) {
edges {
node {
serviceInstances {
edges {
node {
domains {
serviceDomains {
query environments($projectId: String!) {
environments(projectId: $projectId) {
edges {
node {
serviceInstances {
edges {
node {
domains {
serviceDomains {
and I want to get the serviceName of the deployed service instance, is there any way to do this without making a subsequent query for each serviceId? which right now is
query environments($id: String!) {
service(id: $id) {
query environments($id: String!) {
service(id: $id) {
ideally ServiceInstance would have serviceName in addition to the currently existing serviceId
13 replies
Created by Faolain on 12/19/2023 in #✋|help
Multiple railway.json files in a monorepo
No description
29 replies
Created by Faolain on 12/4/2023 in #✋|help
What is the latest Python version installed?
Quick question, when a .python-version file is provided and is set to 3.11 what is the version that is installed? Can the patch version be modified or set? For example 3.11.6 or 3.11.5?
34 replies
Created by Faolain on 9/26/2023 in #✋|help
Unable to connect service to a repo
I am deploying a service from scratch via an empty project through a source repo. The source repo is correctly identified but when I try to select a branch under Automatic Deployments in the Git Repository Section I encounter an endless spinner of "Connect Environment to Branch" after an error "Error: Creating service trigger Only a single deployment trigger is allowed per (environment, service) pair" I was wondering how to remedy this?
23 replies
Created by Faolain on 8/25/2023 in #✋|help
Litestar command not found
Hey all apologies for the possibly silly question. I am looking to deploy this repo: https://github.com/Faolain/mypy-monorepo specifically what is within the packages/backend folder which is a python litestar(https://github.com/litestar-org/litestar) application (a web framework like flask/django/fastapi) but I'm running into an issue where the build log appears to be fine but the deploy log states /bin/bash: line 1: litestar: command not found (wherein litestar is the start command).
This monorepo is a slight modification of this very same repo https://railway.app/template/KmHMvQ (just instead I have setup mine within a monorepo) however even when I tried to deploy this original template as is, I also see the /bin/bash: line 1: litestar: command not found issue. I was wondering what could be wrong and how this could be fixed? For reference running this start command locally does work within the folder.
136 replies