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Created by tylersayshi on 12/21/2024 in #help
Can symbol documentation be detected when re-exported from top level default export?
I am working on a promise util library here: https://jsr.io/@tyler/[email protected] I have documented my first util with jsdoc, but re-exporting this symbol from a top level default export seems to break the jsr auto-doc detection. Update: It seems like exporting as a single default object results in the wrong type output too, which seems related. The type of default is {}. The index.ts is just like this:
import { map } from './map.ts';

export default { map };
import { map } from './map.ts';

export default { map };
4 replies
Created by tylersayshi on 9/8/2024 in #questions
inferred type of '...' cannot be named without a reference to '...'
I found this in an old question from about a year ago when running into this issue in the process of adding type safety to Waku (new react framework by dai-shi) link to error I plan to use type annotation to unblock this per the recommendation here I wanted to re-ask this though, in case anyone here has come across a better way to fix this issue with a pnpm project over the course of the past year. @ArkDavid is this still something you see from time to time? Edit: Maybe this question is better suited for twitter?
20 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by tylersayshi on 7/2/2024 in #questions
Has anyone had success running a Node server on Railway.app for cheap?
No description
12 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by tylersayshi on 4/13/2024 in #questions
For Sr+ Engineers: Frontend, Backend, or Full-stack?
For the engineers that have been around a while, been successful in what they started with, and started to get more opportunities. How did you navigate yourself through what you wanted to get better at as your career progressed? For example: I know some engineers who start in UI and then be moved to the backend because either that business' harder problems are in the backend and/or the manager thinks that is where the harder problems lie. (Seems to be an anitiquated belief amongst older tech managers that backend is inherently harder) Or: You start on either end of the stack and move to being more "full stack" to make yourself theoretically more flexible and definitely more valuable to smaller companies that need breadth more than they need depth. Finally: There's those that seem to go super deep in what they're doing. I kind of put library devs in this bucket due to how well they need to know their domain to build the tools that they build. However, there is just a different form of breadth that emerges there with needing to think through all the possible use cases of your library and how people will interpret it. Anyways, I think this is a topic that a lot of engineers have to address as they mature and am just curious to hear how people approach this.
6 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by tylersayshi on 4/8/2024 in #questions
Has anyone here tried nuqs?
Short for next-usequerystate: https://nuqs.47ng.com Seems like a pretty awesome/promising way to interact with the query param state in a nextjs app in a typesafe way.
1 replies