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Is there a good way to use an array of fields mapped from an object into array as string literals?
ArkType `toJsonSchema` returning not open-api compatible schema.
Configure errors in a scope
/etc handler for every type in a scope?
I have something like this:
const foo = type({...How to choose "one of" in a type?
Get ts type that accepts type arguments
"Custom" type or equivalent to valibot.custom()?
Omit is still parsing values"date_created", "date_updated")
...avatar must be a string (was undefined) although undefined it expected type
How to create a type from json or jsonschema?
TypeScript complaining about passing a type from a custom scope to custom helper function

Early codependent field validation
ends up being unknown, since we’re still validating the type, which makes to fail validation quickly
flatMorph in a type
can `optional()` be used with a thunk?
Is there a better way to do '.or' ?

Type is not assignable to type (unions)

Inference on Mapped Types with Exhaustive Switch Possible?

is there a way to have an async morph?