Golfcart kid
Golfcart kid
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Created by Golfcart kid on 2/28/2025 in #community-help
Counter Strafe or Normal Strafe
I don't play cs so I have no reflex for counter strafing but I've heard it give you a slight advantage? is it worth it to learn how to counter strafe?
1 replies
Created by Golfcart kid on 2/19/2025 in #community-help
Efficient way of improving
I'm not necessarily trying to say fast way to improve but is there anything that has worked for you guys or do you think that pounding dms and tdms to get crosshair placement up and gunfights better. I know that playing comps is the best way of improving but sometimes i need something else than tilt queueing.
6 replies
Created by Golfcart kid on 2/17/2025 in #community-help
I'm alright when I entry site but like where do I position? after I made it onto site?
2 replies
Created by Golfcart kid on 1/24/2025 in #community-help
I play Skye and I get my team onto site successfully most of the time but whenever I'm on the site I start just walking around checking areas and put myself in areas open to peeks. How do I know where to position myself not only on site but just most of the time.
1 replies
Created by Golfcart kid on 1/17/2025 in #community-help
Is Skye supposed to take spike?
I used to play Gekster so I have a habit of taking spike but I have switched to playing Skye and now I don't know who should normally have the spike as I play very agressive
18 replies
Created by Golfcart kid on 12/19/2024 in #community-help
Crosshair Placement
Jus tryin to get some help to practice crosshair placement more. I'm alright with the boxes and if they are on the same height but how do I make sure I hit my shots on different elevations
49 replies
Created by Golfcart kid on 12/11/2024 in #community-help
Agent ideas?
I have genuinely no idea what agent to play anymore and im lowkey tired of filling i like playing initiator but a rely on aim and suck at using util mostly gekko gameplay
42 replies
SMSatisfactory Modding
Created by Golfcart kid on 11/14/2024 in #help-using-mods
Tree and rock placement mod
I want, to clear out a large area but I still want trees. Is there any mods for this, I don't know the exact keywords to use.
9 replies
Created by Golfcart kid on 11/5/2024 in #community-help
Crouch Sprayers
Im currently silver 3 atm and I try to use crosshair placement the best i can but my crosshair placement always gets messed up when I try killing insta crouch sprayers is there any way to counter that?
4 replies
Created by Golfcart kid on 11/5/2024 in #community-help
I keep going against team with 2 or more op players playing is there any way to play against that? silver 3
3 replies
Created by Golfcart kid on 11/1/2024 in #community-help
I've been told by multiple people ( like in diamond and plat, I'm in silver ) that my mechanics are good but I need to get my aim up but I don't really know how? I try to learn head height of every map but I always get headtapped no matter what should I be in the range and aimlabs more or should I learn more movement.
23 replies