Crosshair Placement
Jus tryin to get some help to practice crosshair placement more. I'm alright with the boxes and if they are on the same height but how do I make sure I hit my shots on different elevations
33 Replies
It's really just a lot of practice, eventually you'll start knowing how people will swing and where their heads will be
So just play a lot ig?
Pretty much
Yes, or you can play death match and obviously there’s people all over the map (different elevations as well)
I'll do both
That's still playing a lot lol
Extra question but is there anything I can work on to get out of gold?
like just in general
Yeah but in rank if you don’t know where to expect an enemy you’ll die even before peeking 😭
Game sense tbh
Did you by any chance watched pro games (vct)
I hate dms so I only play swiftplay and ranked, dms suck for me
a lil bit but i get confused lol
i main skye atm
I have only played like 10 deathmatches in my 600+ hours of valorant
I used to main Skye at 1 point after watching jimmyjam on twitch :ChillBar_pray:
But jimmyjam now mains deadlock
ong i was just barely watching jimmy jam lol
oh shi
But I'm diamond 1 peak diamond 2 so clearly smth is working
But you’ll find his older videos and how he uses his flashes and dog
yeah i get rec his old videos lol
So prooo omg
idk how to improve playing skye
i lowkey just watch skye mains
but would vct players be good then?
I stopped trying hard at this point chat
I instalock sage
And watch team fight over duelist and smokes
Vct is an entirely different game lol, it's fun to watch and you can learn some stuff but they play so much differently on a macro scale
I used to fill before, team would keep asking me to take smoke/sage depending on THEIR NEEDS
should i watch like radiants then
cuz vct actually has teamwork lol
Wohoojin is a great start I’d say
i used the guide to gold
but then now im gold
Vct is good to watch individual plays but try to ignore the overall directions of the matches imo
Chat how many hours a day do you play chat
depends if my duo on fr
i aint ever solo queueing again
barely any lol
I used to play a ton but school started and now I mostly play swiftplays only on the weekend
I do have winter break rn but comp sucks haha