Created by VR on 7/8/2024 in #❓┊help
Range slider in V3
Hi guys, do you know and used a stable filament package for a range slider?
3 replies
Created by VR on 2/3/2024 in #❓┊help
Edit resource not saving with custom livewire table component in tabs
Hi guys, I have a strange behaviour using custom livewire component with tabs. On the Edit/Create resource I have multiple tabs. Most of them are simple form builders and that's working fine. But when I add a new tab with a custom livewire component (that is only a filament table listing), on trying to save/update the other tabs data is not working, is not able to call the save. Do you encounter something like that? Any insights? Best regards
4 replies
Created by VR on 1/15/2024 in #❓┊help
Grid TW classes not loaded in filament 3 dashboard
Did anybody encounter that the grid classes from TW not loaded in filament? like grid grid-cols-2 is not working.
7 replies
Created by VR on 12/13/2023 in #❓┊help
Action heavy loading
I have a problem with adding actions; it is slowing down the table load. I discovered that if I remove the the ->action() function from the action itself, the actions are rendering fast, so conditions are not a problem. Is that an expected behavior? is there any official way to call some functions without the ->action() function? Because if I remove the ->action() function then the form builder or requireConfirmation does not work at all.
1 replies
Created by VR on 12/11/2023 in #❓┊help
Table actions on demand
Hi guys, I need to load actions on demand. Is that possible? I want that the data to be loaded first (without any actions related to being rendered) and the actions to be computed after that, or maybe by clicking on the action group to compute all the actions available for that record. Because I have a lot of records and on each record, I have multiple actions (9-14) and each action has multiple conditions if I show the action or not. I tested with and without actions and the difference in about 30-40%. Do you guys have any insights on the matter? PS: I'm still using filament v2. Best regards, Vasi
15 replies