Edit resource not saving with custom livewire table component in tabs
Hi guys,
I have a strange behaviour using custom livewire component with tabs.
On the Edit/Create resource I have multiple tabs. Most of them are simple form builders and that's working fine. But when I add a new tab with a custom livewire component (that is only a filament table listing), on trying to save/update the other tabs data is not working, is not able to call the save.
Do you encounter something like that? Any insights?
Best regards
3 Replies
Please read How to write good questions https://discord.com/channels/883083792112300104/1167015843020943390
Where is the code example?
sure thing 🙂 .... hope that will help
But here is some basic code :
And the Popular livewire component, is just a simple table preview
Hi guys, I will post here the answer for the issue in case somebody else have the same issue.
Adding lazy load on load it seems that fixes the issue https://livewire.laravel.com/docs/lazy#lazy-loading-outside-of-the-viewport
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