Created by mr.luis27 on 7/5/2023 in #✋|help
I need to install a package ffmpeg in sever railway
I need to be able to install ffmpeg on railway and get the path where ffmpeg is saved to be able to start my app correctly.
19 replies
Created by mr.luis27 on 2/20/2023 in #✋|help
I need to try run my app node with WhatsAppweb.js but I have problems with puppeteer
My error is Error: Failed to launch the browser process I read the documentación so I need install in the image of server dependencies of Linux
8 replies
Created by mr.luis27 on 1/13/2023 in #✋|help
Database Migration
Hello, how are you? I have a question about database services, if i want migrate my database in railway to another service like, hostinger, digitalOcean... can i download the information database?
4 replies