Created by Itskillerluc on 3/5/2024 in #help
cant set enhanced mouse precision
Ok i still don’t have the mouse thing working. I’m trying to set the enhanced mouse position option using code. I first get the mouse settings array using systemparameterinfo, that works I get the right values in the array. I then set the last value from a 0 to a 1 to turn the setting on and vice versa to turn it off, I put that in the setmouse in systemparametersinfo with a 2 to supposedly update the mouse in the last parameter, but literally nothing happens I have no clue why this does not work because I’m doing the same things as I find online Only online they just use the constant for the updating, I am like 50% certain it’s 2 tho it’s super hard to actually find Do I also have to set the registry value for this to work?
43 replies
Created by Itskillerluc on 1/27/2024 in #help
Set explorer view in code
I want to make the explorer view show hidden files thru code. I am changing the registry value, which all works but you have to press f5, which kind of defeats the point (if you know to press f5 you know how to enable the view too). How do i press f5 "in code"
1 replies
Created by Itskillerluc on 8/31/2023 in #help
❔ project planning
Is youtrack any good or do you recommend a different project planning tool? Would love ide integration and GitHub integration, rn I’m using onenote which is fine for now but won’t work well when I start coding
12 replies
Created by Itskillerluc on 6/18/2023 in #help
❔ should i use C# for a standalone exe or should i use C++ or something else
idk what to use, i have quite a lot of java experience thats why i thought i would use C# but i need a standalone executalbe and afaik thats only possible with like a really old C# version, or am i wrong there?
55 replies
Created by Itskillerluc on 4/30/2023 in #help
❔ C# abstract classes & interfaces
So I normally code in java, and I was wondering, are there any major differences in terms of abstract classes and interfaces in C#, I thought C# had multi inheritance so then what’s even the point of interfaces.
101 replies
Created by Itskillerluc on 4/25/2023 in #help
❔ Struct vs Class
When do i use a struct vs a class, There seems to be pretty much no difference between the two except for really small things, what i want is composition, so idk if that helps. i think a struct is waht i should use for that right?
121 replies
Created by Itskillerluc on 4/25/2023 in #help
❔ instanciable enum?
i know C# has all these cool tricks, does it have enum instances? i know it sounds dumb, but i mean like Walking sprinting and sneaking have diff speed values for each creature but each creature only has walk sneaking and sprinting making a single enum perfect
80 replies
Created by Itskillerluc on 2/4/2023 in #help
❔ what template do i use
what template hsould i use i think winforms right? i just want to be able to open apps like notepad and images inside of my own app, like its embedded basically. like i want to launch something else but i need to be able to control it like its my own app
52 replies
Created by Itskillerluc on 2/1/2023 in #help
✅ Is .net required
i want to create a C# project. ive coded in C# before, but that was thru unity.. so this is the first time setting up the project. i am also not rly sure what .net is even used for like what it does, i dont need any UI or anyhging
148 replies