Cara Kessler
Cara Kessler
Created by Cara Kessler on 5/16/2024 in #✋|help
Grouping deploys of related services
We are hosting an API and webapp on railway. The API takes about 5 minutes longer to deploy, and results in downtime if there is a backwards incompatible change. Is there a way to link services, and to force one to wait for the other? So basically, when the webapp is ready to deploy, tell it to wait to replace the old version until the API finishes?
4 replies
Created by Cara Kessler on 5/13/2024 in #✋|help
Encrypted Env Vars
I am CTO of a company (Trayd) and our app is hosted on railway. As we add more employees, we need a way to either have permissions such that they cant see the env vars, or to encrypt the env vars. Is this possible? If not possible, is it on the roadmap? Unfortunately, if this isnt possible, we will need to move our app off Railway 😦
10 replies
Created by Cara Kessler on 1/9/2024 in #✋|help
Deployment disrupting an in progress cron job
We have cron jobs that run on our server (we are NOT currently using railways cron jobs). What happens if there is a deploy while the cron job is running? These are important jobs and we dont want to lose them. What is the best way to handle this?
9 replies
Created by Cara Kessler on 9/12/2023 in #✋|help
custom domain via google
Hi! I am trying to deploy to a custom domain managed by google, and saw a bunch of posts about issues with that. Since google domains is about to be deprecated, i was going to just move my domains to squarespace (where they will eventually end up) to make this easier. Before I do so, I just wanted to verify that the same problem doesnt exist with squarespace. Any guidance would be great! Would rather just set this up once the right way than have to use cloudflare
7 replies
Created by Cara Kessler on 7/24/2023 in #✋|help
Errors on Deploy for NextJS app
13 replies