Ioredis Node connection issue.
My connection object above
[ioredis] Unhandled error event: Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND http://redis-cache-staging.railway.internal
38 replies
Can't set template image url
If the preview works, i get the invalid image url.
If the preview doesn't work, it passes but the image doesn't show.
Probably better to let people to upload the image to railway instead of trying to find somewhere that is hosting the image, works with your image checking code, and won't go down
6 replies
Kill old instance right away, don't overlap the instance deploys
So when I deploy a new version of the bot server, I want the old version do shutdown straight away. I don't want it to linger. This is down to how I am communicating to telegram, I can only have one server using a telegram api token at the same time
7 replies