Created by 2euxs on 1/7/2025 in #🙋questions
How to get credits ammount of a specific user
J'ai cette erreur @kapa.ai : [ Wasp ] ext-src/admin/dashboards/users/UsersTable.tsx(227,75): error TS2339: Property 'credits' does not exist on type 'Pick<GetResult<{ id: string; createdAt: Date; email: string; username: string; lastActiveTimestamp: Date; isAdmin: boolean; stripeId: string; checkoutSessionId: string; subscriptionStatus: string; subscriptionPlan: string; sendNewsletter: boolean; datePaid: Date; credits: number; }, unknown> & {}, "email" | ... 4 mo...'.
21 replies
Created by 2euxs on 1/7/2025 in #🙋questions
How to get credits ammount of a specific user
Je veux rajouter une nouvelle colonne qui affiche les crédits de l'utilisateur comment faire @kapa.ai
21 replies
Created by 2euxs on 1/7/2025 in #🙋questions
How to get credits ammount of a specific user
Je veux rajouter une nouvelle colonne qui affiche les crédits de l'utilisateur comment faire
21 replies
Created by 2euxs on 1/7/2025 in #🙋questions
How to get credits ammount of a specific user
@kapa.ai Comment est-ce que je peux dans le cas suivant : {!!data?.users && data?.users?.length > 0 && data.users.map((user) => ( <div key={user.id} className='grid grid-cols-12 gap-4 border-t border-stroke py-4.5 px-4 dark:border-strokedark md:px-6 ' > <div className='col-span-3 flex items-center'> <div className='flex flex-col gap-1 '> <p className='text-sm text-black dark:text-white'>{user.email}</p> <p className='text-sm text-black dark:text-white'>{user.username}</p> </div> </div> <div className='col-span-3 hidden items-center sm:flex'> <p className='text-sm text-black dark:text-white'> {user.lastActiveTimestamp.toLocaleDateString() + ' ' + user.lastActiveTimestamp.toLocaleTimeString()} </p> </div> <div className='col-span-2 flex items-center'> <p className='text-sm text-black dark:text-white'>{user.subscriptionStatus}</p> </div> <div className='col-span-2 flex items-center'> <p className='text-sm text-meta-3'>{user.stripeId}</p> </div> <div className='col-span-1 flex items-center'> <div className='text-sm text-black dark:text-white'> <SwitcherOne user={user} updateUserById={updateUserById} /> </div> <div className='col-span-1 flex items-center'> <p className='text-sm text-black dark:text-white'>{user.credits}</p> </div> </div> <div className='col-span-1 flex items-center'> <DropdownEditDelete /> </div> </div> ))}
21 replies
Created by 2euxs on 12/19/2024 in #🙋questions
Comment autoriser les admins a accéder a une page
@kapa.ai Ajoute ici une option pour ajouter un nombre de crédits à un utilisateur :
27 replies
Created by 2euxs on 12/19/2024 in #🙋questions
Comment autoriser les admins a accéder a une page
Ajoute ici une option pour ajouter un nombre de crédits à un utilisateur :
27 replies
Created by 2euxs on 12/19/2024 in #🙋questions
Comment autoriser les admins a accéder a une page
@kapa.ai On est d'accord que pour augmenter le nombre de crédits il faut le faire de la façon suivante : await context.entities.User.update({ where: { id: userId, }, data: { credits: { increment: credits, }, }, });
27 replies
Created by 2euxs on 12/19/2024 in #🙋questions
Comment autoriser les admins a accéder a une page
@kapa.ai pa.ai Je veux faire en sorte de pouvoir rajouter des credits aux utilisateurs dans la dashbord admin code moi un algorithme qui me permet de faire ça
27 replies
Created by 2euxs on 12/19/2024 in #🙋questions
Comment autoriser les admins a accéder a une page
@kapa.ai Je veux faire en sorte de pouvoir rajouter des credits aux utilisateurs dans la dashbord admin code moi un algorithme qui me permet de faire ça
27 replies
Created by 2euxs on 12/19/2024 in #🙋questions
Comment autoriser les admins a accéder a une page
@kapa.ai Code moi un algorithme qui autorise les admin à accéder a une page pendant que ceux qui n'ont pas d'abonnement ne peuvent pas le faire
27 replies
Created by 2euxs on 12/3/2024 in #🙋questions
<pre>Cannot POST /payments-webhook</pre>
@kapa.ai How can I access the wasp db studio interface while on prod
11 replies
Created by 2euxs on 11/20/2024 in #🙋questions
How can I edit the credits amount
In developpment, I can access the wasb db studio, is there anyway to do it in deployment ? @kapa.ai
12 replies
Created by 2euxs on 11/20/2024 in #🙋questions
How can I edit the credits amount
In developpment, I can access the wasb db studio, is there anyway to do it in deployment ?
12 replies
Created by 2euxs on 11/11/2024 in #🙋questions
[ERROR] Cannot start service: Host version "0.21.5" does not match binary version "0.18.20"
I am now getting this error @kapa.ai How can I fix it ? Server!] PrismaClientInitializationError: Prisma Client could not locate the Query Engine for runtime "darwin-arm64". [ Server!] [ Server!] This happened because Prisma Client was generated for "darwin", but the actual deployment required "darwin-arm64". [ Server!] Add "darwin-arm64" to binaryTargets in the "schema.prisma" file and run prisma generate after saving it: [ Server!] [ Server!] generator client { [ Server!] provider = "prisma-client-js" [ Server!] binaryTargets = ["native", "darwin-arm64"] [ Server!] } [ Server!] [ Server!] The following locations have been searched: [ Server!] /Users/nassim/Frak/tik-frak_wasp/app/node_modules/.prisma/client [ Server!] /Users/nassim/Frak/tik-frak_wasp/app/node_modules/@prisma/client [ Server!] /tmp/prisma-engines [ Server!] /Users/nassim/Frak/tik-frak_wasp/app/.wasp/out/db [ Server!] at Xs (/Users/nassim/Frak/tik-frak_wasp/app/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/library.js:60:793) [ Server!] at async en.loadLibrary (/Users/nassim/Frak/tik-frak_wasp/app/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/library.js:106:598) [ Server!] at async ir.loadEngine (/Users/nassim/Frak/tik-frak_wasp/app/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/library.js:108:538) [ Server!] at async ir.instantiateLibrary (/Users/nassim/Frak/tik-frak_wasp/app/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/library.js:107:1861) { [ Server!] clientVersion: '4.16.2', [ Server!] errorCode: undefined [ Server!] } [ Server!] [ Server!] Node.js v23.1.0
9 replies
Created by 2euxs on 11/4/2024 in #🙋questions
How can I get user current plan in opensaas template
Yes thank you
7 replies
Created by 2euxs on 10/31/2024 in #🙋questions
Not registering the new plan when buying it
Dev but problem fixed thank you !
30 replies
Created by 2euxs on 10/31/2024 in #🙋questions
Not registering the new plan when buying it
Par défaut avec la template opensaas, un utilisateur possède 3 crédits. Comment changer cette valeur à 100 @kapa.ai
30 replies
Created by 2euxs on 10/31/2024 in #🙋questions
Not registering the new plan when buying it
Ou est-ce que je peux trouver celĂ  dans la template opensaas @kapa.ai
30 replies
Created by 2euxs on 10/31/2024 in #🙋questions
Not registering the new plan when buying it
@kapa.ai How can I change the amount of credits a new user gets
30 replies
Created by 2euxs on 10/31/2024 in #🙋questions
Not registering the new plan when buying it
@kapa.ai Thanks, changing the webhook URL worked for me !
30 replies