Created by BenMonkeyMommy on 1/6/2025 in #questions
Disabling Bungee /server Command
I am wanting to disable the /server command for everyone except Admin and staff...and make everyone else use a portal from the server hub, to whatever world they would like to play in. I have tried disabling it in the Bungee config as well, by setting it to staff/admin only...but that did not work and made it so no one, not even Sys Op could use the command. I tried adding bungeecord.command.server in LuckPerms in the worlds, and then setting it to false...still did nothing, and everyone could still use the /server command. How do I accomplish blocking the /server command for everyone but Admin/Staff...and only allowing that tranport by portal? Any help is appreciated. Thank you!
30 replies
Created by BenMonkeyMommy on 1/5/2025 in #questions
VenuteChat Issue - Please Help
I am having an issue with VentureChat. I had asked the developer of the plugin about it before, and I was told I needed to set up my Vault prefixes. When I go into Vault, the only thing in the folder is a config file, and the only thing in the config file is a line that says "update-check: true". I am using LuckPerms on my server, and have pre-fixes, display names, and ranks on there. Everything else is showing prefixes/ranks (like tab list, etc). I have asjed again, but am waiting on a reply. Their only method of helping with the product is through the discussion page for their plugin on spigotmc. The issue I am having is, every time someone says something in chat, it looks like this... [World]{vault_prefix}{player_name}: message that was typed. The problem is, you have no idea who is sending the chat messages. I am allso using the following plugins...BungeeTabListPlus, bStats, Citizens, DecentHolograms, Essentials, EssentialsSpawn, GriefPrevention, Jobs, mcMMO, Pl3xMap, PlaceholderAPI, ProtocolLib, Rankup, Shopkeepers, SimpleClans, SlimeFun (and a bunch of their add ons), Vault, WorldEdit, WorldGuard. Any idea how I can fix this? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
26 replies