Joe Kneeland
Joe Kneeland
Created by Joe Kneeland on 1/23/2024 in #❓┊help
training app, how to show ranks and requirements on user resource, and allow admin to mark completed
Hello, just my second app building with filament and I love it. Bumped into a bit of a tricky thing. Each user belongs to an organization, and each organization has ranks and corresponding requirements. How to show on the user edit page ( on filament panel of course ), the ranks and requirements for that users organization ( not a crud for these, already have separate crud for managing ranks and requirements). Admin just needs to be able to set a 'completed_at' date. So I need to show the ranks listed in order, and under each rank the corresponding requirements ( also listed in order ) I've been trying a custom widget but can't seem to get custom livewire blade view to load. Not even sure if that's the right approach. Any advise will be greatly appreciated.
8 replies
Created by Joe Kneeland on 3/10/2023 in #❓┊help
How to allow 'enter' in editors but block enter from submitting forms?
7 replies