How to allow 'enter' in editors but block enter from submitting forms?
To prevent 'enter' click from submitting forms, we added;
onkeydown="return event.key != 'Enter';"
But now the enter key won't do new line in editor inputs.
Does anyone know how to allow enter to work in editor inputs but prevent it from submitting form?
4 Replies
which editors
Hi Dan, is effecting both;
Realized it's you I saw in a youtube interview I watched about filament. Dan, we love you!
So you know, there's also a thread about this over at laracasts -
I had this problem before. I gave up when I couldn't find a solution. is there a solution?
if (!['TEXTAREA', 'TRIX-EDITOR'].includes($ {
@joekneeland @Dan Harrin
if I add this code to form/index.php, it works. but I don't know the right method.