doug kimmerly
doug kimmerly
SKSignal K
Created by doug kimmerly on 2/23/2025 in #server
doug kimmerly - npm link issue . I just starte...
ok thanks I'll be at it again tomorrow
11 replies
SKSignal K
Created by doug kimmerly on 2/23/2025 in #server
doug kimmerly - npm link issue . I just starte...
no errors at all
11 replies
SKSignal K
Created by doug kimmerly on 2/23/2025 in #server
doug kimmerly - npm link issue . I just starte...
From my working directory /home/doug/testplugin I run "sudo npm link" then from /home/doug/.signalk I run "sudo npm link testplugin" then restart the server. It creates the link just fine in the node_modules directory but then nothing shows in the config
11 replies
SKSignal K
Created by MattNJ on 9/11/2024 in #sensesp
MattNJ - hello, new to this today, steep learni...
Thank you that worked for me
10 replies
SKSignal K
Created by MattNJ on 9/11/2024 in #sensesp
MattNJ - hello, new to this today, steep learni...
Funny thing I'm also new to this today and having exactly the same problem. I also tried changing the to and still the same problem.
10 replies
SKSignal K
Created by joshgraff on 5/12/2024 in #questions
Distributed Signal K (New User)
I found it and changed it all good now no more looping. Thank you sooooo much
50 replies
SKSignal K
Created by joshgraff on 5/12/2024 in #questions
Distributed Signal K (New User)
Great thank you. I'm not able to find that file on either of my servers.
50 replies
SKSignal K
Created by doug kimmerly on 5/16/2024 in #questions
canName question. Is there a way to relate the canName to a human readable name?
Ah great thank you that's just too easy
3 replies
SKSignal K
Created by joshgraff on 5/12/2024 in #questions
Distributed Signal K (New User)
Thank you I'm kinda new to this and trying to learn as much as I can
50 replies
SKSignal K
Created by joshgraff on 5/12/2024 in #questions
Distributed Signal K (New User)
That's what I thought too
50 replies
SKSignal K
Created by joshgraff on 5/12/2024 in #questions
Distributed Signal K (New User)
From the navNet to to the powerNet { "context": "vessels.self", "subscribe": [ { "path": "electrical.batteries.240.voltage", "period": 600000 } ] } from the powerNet to the navNet { "context": "vessels.self", "subscribe": [ { "path": "environment.sun", "period":600000 } ] }
50 replies
SKSignal K
Created by joshgraff on 5/12/2024 in #questions
Distributed Signal K (New User)
I have two rPi's on two different N2K nets, one for digital switching one for nav data. CPU doesn't go to 100% but it does double from normal 15% to 30 or 40% as soon as I enable the second connection. One connection from the navNet subscribed to the powerNet single path subscription 600000ms period. CPU 15% deltas/s 1. Enabling the connection from the powerNet to the navNet for one path and 600000ms period instantly doubles the CPU on both servers and each show the connections of 800 deltas/s in the dashboard.
50 replies
SKSignal K
Created by joshgraff on 5/12/2024 in #questions
Distributed Signal K (New User)
Thanks yes I am subscribing to just one path of data from each server. I didn't have a period on there so I tried adding a long period of 10 mins (600000ms) That did seem to help a bit but even then each server is displaying about 800 deltas being processed each second. As soon as I disable one of the connections that drops right down to about 1 delta/s . I'll keep trying different things.
50 replies
SKSignal K
Created by joshgraff on 5/12/2024 in #questions
Distributed Signal K (New User)
I'm doing something similar, I have 2 N2K networks onboard one for nav devices and one for digital switching. So I've set up two rPi's with hats to get the data. I've created the connections and the switching one works just fine. I've subscribed to one data path, when I activate the connection on the other server the cpu and temp go through the roof and I end up needing to reboot. Am I somehow creating a loop there is only a few bits of data that I want to pull over so I set up the subscription to only one path from each server.
50 replies