Created by thecataclysmo on 6/25/2024 in #community-help
multiple kmode_exception_not_handled bsods while playing/while launching valo
It even happens when I'm playing something else, but it's always vgk.sys causing it
2 replies
Created by thecataclysmo on 6/18/2024 in #community-help
bsod fest while i'm doing random stuff after playing valo. Every single instance involved vgk.sys
kmode_exception_not handed, clock watchdog timeout, there was one more error too i can't rember the exact phrase but they all had vgk.sys involved. The crash happens literally anytime vanguard is running, if i'm playing terraria, using google, or getting into a match of valorant. it has literally rendered my pc unusable, as I have to exit vanguard before i do anything important in fear my pc might crash (this might be confirmation bias but pc hasn't crashed while vanguard was turned off)
11 replies
Created by thecataclysmo on 5/26/2024 in #community-help
ping spiking to 150 in mum server, usually is 30 ms
Ping spikes started all of a sudden, restarted pc, same issue
91 replies
Created by thecataclysmo on 4/28/2024 in #community-help
vgk.sys bsod randomly while using pc, pc also bsods 'clock watchdog timeout' when playing valo
I get the vgk.sys bsod while using my pc (not playing valo). Also clock watchdog timeout error when playing valo. it has crashed seven times in a week now
7 replies
Created by thecataclysmo on 4/27/2024 in #community-help
can't reinstall valorant
I uninstalled valorant and then restarted my pc, but can't install valorant through riot client as it keeps saying something unusual happened
4 replies
Created by thecataclysmo on 4/8/2024 in #community-help
Ping spikes during gunfights
I play in APAC (Mumbai) server with 29-30 ping. I have a really stable high speed internet (ethernet), but recently whenever there is a gunfight I'd get packet loss or my ping would spike to 150. It sometimes randomly happens during pre/post rounds too. It's really annoying, especially in ranked matches so i was wondering if anyone knew of a fix or has encountered this problem.
1 replies