Gyen Abubakar
Gyen Abubakar
Created by Andrew Valleteau on 11/20/2024 in #help
deno run fail to execute npm binary file in 2.0
i came from there 😅
5 replies
Created by Andrew Valleteau on 11/20/2024 in #help
deno run fail to execute npm binary file in 2.0
@Andrew Valleteau did you find a solution for this?>
5 replies
Created by Gyen Abubakar on 10/10/2024 in #❓・help
Disable root files being copied into `/_nuxt` path
Everything I import from ~/components yields this error because of this behaviour. And it is actually preventing the app from rendering.
2 replies
Created by Gyen Abubakar on 9/3/2024 in #❓・help
NuxtErrorBoundary leaving a blank screen
UPDATE: Found a workaround; not sure how much of a bad practise this is 1. I rewrote the error boundary code:
- showError() is a Nuxt function already available via auto-import.
- Docs:
<NuxtErrorBoundary @error="showError">
<slot />
- showError() is a Nuxt function already available via auto-import.
- Docs:
<NuxtErrorBoundary @error="showError">
<slot />
2. I created a error.vue file beside app.vue:
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { NuxtError } from '#app';
import DashboardLayout from '~/layouts/dashboard.vue';
import AuthLayout from '~/layouts/auth.vue';
import DefaultLayout from '~/layouts/default.vue';
import { BonfoPageError } from '~/components/_bonfo';

const props = defineProps({
error: Object as () => NuxtError,


const route = useRoute();

const Layout = computed(() => {
switch (route.meta.layout) {
case 'dashboard':
return DashboardLayout;
case 'auth':
return AuthLayout;
return DefaultLayout;

title="Oops 😬, that was unexpected."
description="An error occurred while trying to load this page. You can trust that we are working hard to fix it."
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { NuxtError } from '#app';
import DashboardLayout from '~/layouts/dashboard.vue';
import AuthLayout from '~/layouts/auth.vue';
import DefaultLayout from '~/layouts/default.vue';
import { BonfoPageError } from '~/components/_bonfo';

const props = defineProps({
error: Object as () => NuxtError,


const route = useRoute();

const Layout = computed(() => {
switch (route.meta.layout) {
case 'dashboard':
return DashboardLayout;
case 'auth':
return AuthLayout;
return DefaultLayout;

title="Oops 😬, that was unexpected."
description="An error occurred while trying to load this page. You can trust that we are working hard to fix it."
This gives me the behaviour I want.
3 replies
Created by Gyen Abubakar on 9/3/2024 in #❓・help
NuxtErrorBoundary leaving a blank screen
Obviously, I can fix the type error in the code by doing null checks, but this error made me think about using NuxtErrorBoundary to catch unexpected errors that I may not know about during development.
3 replies
Created by Gyen Abubakar on 4/3/2024 in #❓・help
How do you set a PostCSS parser in the `nuxt.config.ts`?
Thanks @manniL / TheAlexLichter
5 replies