Created by Railay on 11/4/2023 in #✋|help
Deployment crashed, but no logs to help troubleshoot
I deployed my code to a staging container, everything worked fine. I merged my code to main and deployed. The Railway container on production crashed, but there's no logs. As far as I can tell, the code works fine on my local and in the staging environment.
14 replies
Created by Railay on 6/28/2023 in #✋|help
Searching Logs returns no results and resets the results after a few seconds
For the past two days, I can't search my logs for a keyword. When I type the keyword into the search box, the panel No logs found containing keyword, and then the panel resets to show me the unfiltered logs. Doesn't matter if the keyword is present in the logs or not, it always returns no results. I've tried in both Safari and Chrome, caches cleared.
8 replies
Created by Railay on 6/12/2023 in #✋|help
Memory Leak with Python Web App
I've got a web app that has a lot of I/O from external API's and a postgres DB. I've been troubleshooting this for a long time and can't find any issues in the code. However, if I disable the functions which save the data to Postgres, the memory leak stops.
While I realize the problem is most likely in the code somewhere (my code or a package I'm using), I'm wondering if something else is going on at the infra/container level. Are there any methods or tools to inspect the container and see if something else is consuming memory, or if the memory isn't getting released after garbage collection?
45 replies
Created by Railay on 4/11/2023 in #✋|help
Railways deployments show zero log lines
6 replies
Created by Railay on 4/4/2023 in #✋|help
CLI: railway logs shows logs from old deployment
I've linked the railway CLI to my project. When I execute railway logs, I get logs from an old deployment, the last timestamp I can see is from 2023-03-30 23:14:08,885835597, which is the timestamp of when the deployment was shutdown. The next log line says: INFO: Application shutdown complete. I've made several deployments to this project since March 30th. Any ideas on how to resolve?
7 replies
Created by Railay on 1/30/2023 in #✋|help
Docker Fails to Build: failed to create LLB definition: unexpected status code
Hi, I was making some deployments. One deployment went through fine. I made a small code change and deployed again, now the builds are automatically failing.
Been happening for about 20 minutes now. Here's the abbreviated deploy log due to character count:

Jan 30 13:56:01.197 #3 ERROR: unexpected status code [manifests ubuntu-1673375667]: 500 Internal Server Error
Jan 30 13:56:01.197 -----
Jan 30 13:56:01.197 > [internal] load metadata for ghcr.io/railwayapp/nixpacks:ubuntu-1673375667:
Jan 30 13:56:01.197 -----
Jan 30 13:56:01.197
Jan 30 13:56:01.197 failed to solve with frontend dockerfile.v0: failed to create LLB definition: unexpected status code [manifests ubuntu-1673375667]: 500 Internal Server Error
Jan 30 13:56:01.197
Jan 30 13:56:01.201 Error: Docker build failed

Jan 30 13:56:01.197 #3 ERROR: unexpected status code [manifests ubuntu-1673375667]: 500 Internal Server Error
Jan 30 13:56:01.197 -----
Jan 30 13:56:01.197 > [internal] load metadata for ghcr.io/railwayapp/nixpacks:ubuntu-1673375667:
Jan 30 13:56:01.197 -----
Jan 30 13:56:01.197
Jan 30 13:56:01.197 failed to solve with frontend dockerfile.v0: failed to create LLB definition: unexpected status code [manifests ubuntu-1673375667]: 500 Internal Server Error
Jan 30 13:56:01.197
Jan 30 13:56:01.201 Error: Docker build failed
7 replies
Created by Railay on 1/30/2023 in #✋|help
Garbage Collection in a container?
I have a strange memory consumption problem and I’m not sure how to troubleshoot this. I have Python web app makes a lot of external API calls, processes the data and sends it to a Postgres DB. The longer the program runs, the more container memory it consumes. When the container runs out of memory, something happens and the resources get freed up. Drops back to around 300MB. I have confirmed the data processing is what’s consuming memory. I set up a staging environment from my dev branch on Railway, which does NOT make the API calls, and memory consumption is stable, around 300mb used.
I don’t think it’s a memory leak in my Python code. I did memory progiling on my local machine while it was making the API requests for several hours, and memory consumption looks stable. Any ideas on how I could analyze the railway container environment?
10 replies
Created by Railay on 10/31/2022 in #✋|help
Postgres not releasing memory, maxed at 8GB for over an hour
Hi, I've got a decently large Postgres DB.
I was trying to run some queries to alter the table structure, but they never completed. I canceled the queries and after a long wait, had to manually kill the processes. Postgres is still maxed out at 8GB of memory. CPU is near 0%. Been like this for over an hour now. How can I clear this up? I cannot lose the data in the database.
22 replies
Created by Railay on 10/28/2022 in #✋|help
Python not installing with deployment
41 replies