TIPThe Iris Project
Created by soHaMMm on 6/21/2024 in #iris-issues
iris not integrated Dist Horizons
When ever I install iris into my computer it works fine with no crash errors but when I download and put in dist horizons it gave me a error message and telling me to uninstall the already up to version sodium and iris, I am also running this on fabric mod
8 replies
TIPThe Iris Project
Created by soHaMMm on 4/7/2024 in #iris-issues
To use Iris Shaders and Dist Horizons Have to re install
I dont knoiw why I have o install the iris mod again bc everytime i run it I get a crash message saying its not compatible and when i reinstall it it satarts working but with bunch of lag spikes for some reason. i know it can run smoothly but i dont know what to do
15 replies
TIPThe Iris Project
Created by soHaMMm on 3/26/2024 in #iris-issues
how do I Inter grate other mods with iris
I am having problems with iris because I use the download to fabric( with the distant horizons mod ) and I don’t know how to make it work with my other mods like optifne and world edit It ether doesn’t make the distant horizons and iris show up or doesn’t make all the mods work I am on 1.20
9 replies