Sam Mahonri✨
Sam Mahonri✨
Created by Sam Mahonri✨ on 7/18/2024 in #✋|help
502 Bad Request error occurring when waking up the service after App Sleep
In this case, the 502 Bad Request error occurs only when the service is waking up from App sleep. There's no cold start; it doesn't wait and immediately returns a 502 error. After about 2 to 5 seconds, refreshing the page resolves the issue, but this problem only happens during the application's wake-up process. The issue doesn't occur when the service is already awake. What could cause Railway to return a 502 when it should be just a cold start? I'm developing a project in Next.js with a custom server, as described in Railway's documentation, and it's being used under the Cloudflare Proxy. Is there a way to resolve this issue or at least increase Railway/Cloudflare's timeout to wait for the service to wake up? id: cf4394a0-0027-4329-a43a-0df88b77c287
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