Programmer / Nerd / Human
Programmer / Nerd / Human
Created by Wayz on 8/5/2024 in #questions
Server kick everyone with this msg -> IDK WHY PLEASE HELP
there are some plugins that kick all players when something goes wrong but none of them that I know are installed on your server
55 replies
Created by Wayz on 8/5/2024 in #questions
Server kick everyone with this msg -> IDK WHY PLEASE HELP
maybe? your server is screaming out of pain rn, maybe you fix those problems it will be fixed
55 replies
Created by Wayz on 8/5/2024 in #questions
Server kick everyone with this msg -> IDK WHY PLEASE HELP
there are several issues: - FallBackServer and AdvancedServerList are proxy plugins not backend plugins, you should install them in your proxy - install the correct version of WorldGuardRegionProtect - Essentials plugins should all be the same version - Vault is missing, Vault is required for many many plugins to function - BanManager can not connect to MySQL
55 replies
Created by Wayz on 8/5/2024 in #questions
Server kick everyone with this msg -> IDK WHY PLEASE HELP
how much ram for proxy? maybe your proxy plugins are messing things up
55 replies
Created by Wayz on 8/5/2024 in #questions
Server kick everyone with this msg -> IDK WHY PLEASE HELP
could be a lag spike ..?
55 replies
Created by Programmer / Nerd / Human on 7/30/2024 in #questions
Does Eigencraft redstone actually break anything?
thanks, but I wanted to know about what Eigencraft changes, not how to make redstone vanilla...
16 replies
Created by Programmer / Nerd / Human on 7/30/2024 in #questions
Does Eigencraft redstone actually break anything?
yes, but alternate current actually changes vanilla behavior so it's out of the question here.
16 replies