Explore posts from servers
Created by jdgamble555 on 4/29/2024 in #support
When to use createEffect
I have a signal that depends on another signal. My todos signal is depended on my user signal. When there is a user, I want to subscribe to the todos collection, and when there isn't I want to unsubscribe. When there is again (login), I want to resubscribe (user could change too). Should I use createEffect for this? I thought you shouldn't set a signal inside a signal though? Here is my code:
export function useTodos() {

const _user = useUser();

const _store = createStore<{
todos: TodoItem[],
loading: boolean
todos: [],
loading: true

const user = _user[0];

const setTodos = _store[1];

setTodos(v => ({ ...v, loading: true }));

if (!user.data) {
setTodos({ loading: false, todos: [] });
return _store[0];

const unusbscribe = onSnapshot(

// query realtime todo list
collection(db, 'todos'),
where('uid', '==', user.data.uid),
), (q) => {

// get data, map to todo type
const data = snapToData(q);

* Note: Will get triggered 2x on add
* 1 - for optimistic update
* 2 - update real date from server date

// print data in dev mode
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {

// add to store
setTodos({ loading: false, todos: data });



return _store[0];
export function useTodos() {

const _user = useUser();

const _store = createStore<{
todos: TodoItem[],
loading: boolean
todos: [],
loading: true

const user = _user[0];

const setTodos = _store[1];

setTodos(v => ({ ...v, loading: true }));

if (!user.data) {
setTodos({ loading: false, todos: [] });
return _store[0];

const unusbscribe = onSnapshot(

// query realtime todo list
collection(db, 'todos'),
where('uid', '==', user.data.uid),
), (q) => {

// get data, map to todo type
const data = snapToData(q);

* Note: Will get triggered 2x on add
* 1 - for optimistic update
* 2 - update real date from server date

// print data in dev mode
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {

// add to store
setTodos({ loading: false, todos: data });



return _store[0];
Thanks, J
6 replies
Created by jdgamble555 on 4/27/2024 in #support
Preloading Data with 'use server'
I'm following the limited documentation, and I want to preload data from the server for a route:
import { Title } from "@solidjs/meta";
import { RouteDefinition, cache, createAsync } from "@solidjs/router";
import { getAbout } from "~/lib/about";

const getAboutPage = cache(async () => {
'use server';
return await getAbout();
}, 'about');

export const route = {
load: () => getAboutPage(),
} satisfies RouteDefinition;

export default function About() {

const about = createAsync(() => getAboutPage());

return about() && (
<div class="flex items-center justify-center my-5">
<div class="border w-[400px] p-5 flex flex-col gap-3">
<h1 class="text-3xl font-semibold">{about()!.name}</h1>
import { Title } from "@solidjs/meta";
import { RouteDefinition, cache, createAsync } from "@solidjs/router";
import { getAbout } from "~/lib/about";

const getAboutPage = cache(async () => {
'use server';
return await getAbout();
}, 'about');

export const route = {
load: () => getAboutPage(),
} satisfies RouteDefinition;

export default function About() {

const about = createAsync(() => getAboutPage());

return about() && (
<div class="flex items-center justify-center my-5">
<div class="border w-[400px] p-5 flex flex-col gap-3">
<h1 class="text-3xl font-semibold">{about()!.name}</h1>
I am preloading some data from a database. I'm not sure why the createAsync has an option for undefined, but I do about() as the docs suggest. However, the data does not display properly UNLESS I do full referesh. It does not stay when navigating back to the page. I only want to fetch it once, I just don't every want a blank page. You can see the example (without logging in) : https://solid-start-firebase.vercel.app/ How do I fix this? J
15 replies