•Created by NotMyName on 8/26/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Differentiating blazers on pictures
How would I go about differentiating structured vs unstructured blazers based on pictures (not relying on patterns/pockets for formality)?
Also, is slim or standard fit better for casual purposes?
6 replies
•Created by NotMyName on 5/30/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Glasses and other suggestions for tomorrow's prom

13 replies
•Created by NotMyName on 5/27/2024 in #questions-and-advice
How to remove stains from antiperspirant deodorant?
I sadly ruined 3 polos with this shit, do you have any suggestions?
It's not easy to see but it just ruins my confidence when I know that somethings not right
8 replies
•Created by NotMyName on 4/8/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Adidas Forum 84?
I am back, once again asking about sneakers. What do you think about their comfort, sizing, etc..
I have issues with comfort of my Air Max 90's so I need something a bit better than that.
As far as colorways go these are my options (I need something versatile since I don't have white sneakers yet):
Maybe also white ultraboosts (of all generations)? I know they would be harder to clean but they are certainly more comfortable and breathable
Also give me other recommendations if you have them
17 replies
•Created by NotMyName on 3/27/2024 in #questions-and-advice
High School Prom Advice
I've got prom upcoming in late may. A couple of my friends got really dark suits and one guy even wants to have a tux 💀. I think that's a bit too formal, so I just want to pair together chinos (i guess?) together with a blazer.
Any color/pattern/whatever else combinations you would reccomend?
45 replies
•Created by NotMyName on 3/24/2024 in #questions-and-advice
AF1 Colorways and Comfort?

14 replies
•Created by NotMyName on 11/5/2023 in #questions-and-advice
How to wear triple black sneakers?
I just got a pair of all black Air Max 90's and I've never had a pair of triple black sneakers, so does any dark colour go with them?
9 replies
•Created by NotMyName on 11/4/2023 in #questions-and-advice
How to wear velvet trousers?
I have a pair of gray and a pair of olive velvet trousers that I have never worn, and I don't really know much about fashion. I just want to style them half-decently so I can finally wear them.
I also planned to buy a pair of triple black Air Max 90's because during the summer I was wearing a pair of blue/white Pegasus 39's and now it's just too cold to wear them.
If you need more information about me, please ask
I don't have any pictures atm 😞.
10 replies